udev handles USB plug and unplug events. The following commands install a udev rule so that non-root users may access the device. This step is only necessary for devices that use USB to connect to the host computer, such as the B200, B210, and B200mini. This setting should take effect immediately and does not require a reboot or logout/login. Be sure that no USRP device is connected via USB when running these commands. cd $HOME/workarea-uhd/uhd/host/utils sudo cp uhd-usrp.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo udevadm trigger For USRP devices that use Ethernet to connect to the host computer, such as the N200, N210, X300, X310, set a static IP address for your system of, with a netmask of The default IP address of the USRP is, with a netmask of You should probably set the IP address using the graphical Network Manager. If you set the IP address from the command line with ifconfig , Network Manager will probably overwrite these settings. The installation of UHD and GNU Radio should now be complete. At this point, connect the USRP to the host computer. If the interface is Ethernet, then open a terminal window, and try to ping the USRP with "ping". The USRP should respond to the ping requests. If the interface is USB, then open a terminal window, and run " lsusb ". You should see the USRP listed on the USB bus with a VID of 2500 and PID of 0020 , 0021 , 0022 , for B200, B210, B200mini, respectively. Also try running " uhd_find_devices " and " uhd_usrp_probe "